Waterfall plots are a common visualization method to view multiple spectra and have some similarities with joy plots. In the high throughput screening world, people have plot multiple dose response curves, offset on the z-axis to produce something that looks like a waterfall. An example is Figure 1 in Inglese et al, PNAS, 2006, 103(31). […]
Visual pairwise comparison of distributions
While analysing some data from a dose respons screen, run across multiple cell lines, I need to visualize summarize curve data in a pairwise fashion. Specifically, I wanted to compaure area under the curve (AUC) values for the curve fits for the same compound between every pair of cell line. Given that an AUC needs […]
Path Fingerprints and Hash Quality
Recently, on an email thread I was involved in, Egon mentioned that the CDK hashed fingerprints were probably being penalized by the poor hashing provided by Java’s hashCode method. Essentially, he suspected that the collision rate was high and so that the many bits were being set multiple times by different paths and that a fraction of bits were not […]
2D Depictions in R Plots
In preparation for the upcoming R workshop at the EBI, I’ve been cleaning up the rcdk package and updating some features. One of the new features is the ability to get a 2D depiction as a raster image. Uptil now, 2D depictions were drawn in a Swing window – this allowed you to resize the […]
Plate Well Series Plots in R
Plate well series plots are a common way to summarize well level data across multiple plates in a high throughput screen. An example can be seen in Zhang et al. As I’ve been working with RNAi screens, this visualization has been a useful way to summarize screening data and the various transformations on that data. […]